Saturday, 5 October 2013

The Third Kind

A drop of tear here, a drop of tear there
Soon you start losing count
The pain becomes unbearable
Impossible to surmount

A love lost is nothing new
Almost everyone has to see that day
No matter how hard you try
Can't keep it for long at bay

But herein does the similarity end
With different people acting differently
Some smile their way through it
Others cry inconsolably

But what of the third kind?
The ones who remain silent
Without a hint of emotion on their face
Hanging on to their lover's very scent

I know of a similar man
Stuck in the past is he
Refusing to take note of the change
Hoping to bring it back maybe

A little old fashioned I'd say
In a generation that switches lovers on the go
Such foolishness can be found only
Perhaps in Shakespeare's Romeo

His days pass by waiting
For that one phone call
From the woman who once loved him
For whom he was the one and all

The one who taught him to love
And took it all away
For her does he wait
Every hour every day

With every passing moment
His prospects grow bleak
Actually its a loss for the world
When a believer's faith in love becomes weak

A drop of tear here, a drop of tear there
Life goes on and how
A wait till he breathes his last
That's all left of him now.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

French Class @ IIFT

It is the French class
Cluelessness prevails en masse
People trying random words
Like throwing stones at birds

Vibhor has on a sheepish grin
Shukla's beard needs a trim
Bedi continues to lose weight
Jugadu as usual walks in late

Chawla and Pathak sitting close
Like one egg containing two yolks
Awasthi throwing double meaning words
Just like parents with bees and birds

Yadu is quiet today
Maybe its a pagan holiday
Prafful like the ever nice boy
Sits in the corner silent and shy

Budati, Soumya and Gopi
All look like they just smelled some pee
Nobo seems to have come straight out of bed
Hair all ruffled on his round head

That covers almost everyone
Oh wait!! There is still Relan
Irrespective of his T-Bag style beard
Suddenly he is acting like a nerd

Trying to learn French real bad
Knowing him, that's quite sad
Finally to a close does the class draw
Of a language spoken better with a broken jaw!!

When Chaudhary Was Sad!!

Chaudhary was shattered
Fate had played such a nasty game
He was almost inconsolable
His behavior has never been the same

The shop where he gave his clothes for ironing
Got burnt down to the core last night
Seven shirts…four trousers and more
Never got to see today’s light

Ten thousand rupees worth of loss
Says he by a rough estimate
Chaudhary doesn’t understand the concept of depreciation
Maybe Vaibhav can come to his aid

He blames no one but himself now
He says he should have chosen more than one vendor
For someone claiming to be a core operations guy
How could he make such a blunder?

Relan offered to donate his old clothes
Chaudhary has set up a disaster relief fund
The threat is that those denying to contribute
From the final placements, will be shunned

He has been hunting for trash to sell
To cover up the loss
Old bottles, shoes, empty AllOut refills
And even left over dental floss

He won’t get drunk for a year says he
In protest of his luck gone bad
This will go down in AD’s history
As the day when Chaudhary was sad!!

When AD Was Waterless!!

The situation turned from bad to worse
We waited but in vain
The final drops trickled away
Inflicting enormous pain

Then came 3 days without water
Like a silent assassin in the dark
Nothing could elevate our mood
Except when Jimmy barked !!

We learnt how to recognize each other by scent
Relan’s was like a lemon
Tanmoy escaped home leaving us to rot
Among us angels he has always been the demon

We kept motivating one another
In ways that eventually proved to be wrong
We said that girls like raw and unkempt men
But they found other places to throng

The news spread like wild fire
That AD was waterless
Even the Profs started making fun of us
Joined by others who were Oh! So merciless!!

The food didn’t help us either
Upsetting the stomach now and then
And frequently we had to visit the loo
Sometimes at midnight even!!

Imagine drawing bucketfuls 4 floors above
That’s what we did 3 days in a row
But we fought back, never losing courage
In a different way, IIFT did help us grow.