Tuesday, 1 October 2013

French Class @ IIFT

It is the French class
Cluelessness prevails en masse
People trying random words
Like throwing stones at birds

Vibhor has on a sheepish grin
Shukla's beard needs a trim
Bedi continues to lose weight
Jugadu as usual walks in late

Chawla and Pathak sitting close
Like one egg containing two yolks
Awasthi throwing double meaning words
Just like parents with bees and birds

Yadu is quiet today
Maybe its a pagan holiday
Prafful like the ever nice boy
Sits in the corner silent and shy

Budati, Soumya and Gopi
All look like they just smelled some pee
Nobo seems to have come straight out of bed
Hair all ruffled on his round head

That covers almost everyone
Oh wait!! There is still Relan
Irrespective of his T-Bag style beard
Suddenly he is acting like a nerd

Trying to learn French real bad
Knowing him, that's quite sad
Finally to a close does the class draw
Of a language spoken better with a broken jaw!!

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