Tuesday, 1 October 2013

When AD Was Waterless!!

The situation turned from bad to worse
We waited but in vain
The final drops trickled away
Inflicting enormous pain

Then came 3 days without water
Like a silent assassin in the dark
Nothing could elevate our mood
Except when Jimmy barked !!

We learnt how to recognize each other by scent
Relan’s was like a lemon
Tanmoy escaped home leaving us to rot
Among us angels he has always been the demon

We kept motivating one another
In ways that eventually proved to be wrong
We said that girls like raw and unkempt men
But they found other places to throng

The news spread like wild fire
That AD was waterless
Even the Profs started making fun of us
Joined by others who were Oh! So merciless!!

The food didn’t help us either
Upsetting the stomach now and then
And frequently we had to visit the loo
Sometimes at midnight even!!

Imagine drawing bucketfuls 4 floors above
That’s what we did 3 days in a row
But we fought back, never losing courage
In a different way, IIFT did help us grow.

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